Here is a list of can'ts turned into cans made possible by all of you for 2012. (Based on Firefly data)
Expressive Communication Goals
1. When two objects are held in view for Ethan , he will chose one by pointing proximally to the desired object paired with eye contact 2x in a 10-15 minute activity , across at least 3 different people over 3 consecutive days . (Mastered date:First quarter 2012)
2.When preferred food item is available but out of reach (across table or with a teacher, Ethan will take icon off the from of his PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) book and drop in adults hand 6-8x during snack with at least 3 different teachers across 4 consecutive days. ( Mastered date: First quarter 2012)
3.When desired objects are offered to Ethan , he will combine intentional vocalization and or eye contact , 6x8 a day , across at least 3 different adults and over 3 consecutive days.(Mastered: First quarter 2012)
4.Ethan has mastered Phase I and Phase II of PECS with 90% accuracy across 5-6 preferred objects and 2 or more caregivers and is currently working on Phase III. ( Mastered: 3rd quarter 2012)
Receptive Communication
1. When a familiar adult says "Ethan look, and is not in his line of sight within 5 ft, Ethan will orient and look at object 2x within a 10-15 minute period across 3 different people. ( Mastered 2nd quarter 2012)
2. When retrieving a toy or needing to place objects in containers , puzzles ore specified places Ethan will follow a proximal or distal point 2-3x within a 10-15 minute activity with 3 different adults over 3 consecutive days . ( Mastered 3rd quarter 2012)
3. When an adult gives a verbal instruction " Give me (item) paired with their out stretched hand he will give the object 80% of opportunities across 3 different adults and over 3 consecutive days . ( Mastered : 3rd quarter 2012)
1. With toys that involve one motor action (roll car, stack blocks, throw ball, etc) Ethan will independently perform the action 3-5x in a 10-15 minute play interval across 3 different adults over 3 consecutive days . ( Mastered: First quarter 2012)
2. During songs with an adult, Ethan will independently imitate 1-2 motor actions with in 3 seconds of adults model for 2 different actions across two teachers for 3 consecutive days . ( Mastered 3rd quarter 2012)
Adaptive Skills
1. Ethan has mastered bathroom dressing routines with minimal assistance. (Mastered 2nd quarter 2012)
2. Ethan is 97% pee potty trained this year and can stay dry for up to 1 hour and 40 minutes .
3. During meal time , when eating preferred spoon foods, Ethan will use a spoon , bring to his mouth and repeat for most of his meal at least 2 meals of the day for 3 consecutive days . ( Mastered 2nd quarter 2012)
4. When it is time to transition from one activity to another and this is indicated with a verbal direction and a object, Ethan will begin the transition without protest by either moving his body toward designated place, 8-12x a day across 3 teachers for 5 consecutive days . ( Mastered 2nd quarter 2012)
Ethan may struggle daily with autistic behaviors but he easily slips into the hearts of anyone who will let him in . Most of his teachers now know the song " God is watching over you and God is wild about us " by heart now. Firefly autism gave us the best gift! The gift of hope . That there is nothing Ethan can't do with a little help. As Ethan ages into elementary school age he will start 1st grade this year but will continue to have our amazing Firefly Outreach team come to the house 3x a week and participate in Speech and Occupational therapy 2x a week as well. I know for many of you this is a hard financial time of year as it is for us , but we ask that you prayerfully consider donating to Team Ethan . The funds will cover his firefly therapy costs for 2013. With your financial gifts, prayers and the ultimate therapist "God" , Who knows what goals Ethan will accomplish next year . The sky is the limit!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!