Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happily Ever After

The toy market really knows what they are doing . As a mother of a 4 year old little girl, we are surrounded by Disney Princess'. Toy isles are as pink as can be, filled with all things girl and my daughter eats it up ! A trip to target is not complete without a trip the the toy isle . What is the one theme in all princess movies ? Getting your Happy Ever After! It was no different for me as a child. I had very few ambitions growing up . I wanted to meet the man of my dreams get married and thought that was the whole battle and once that happened life was smooth sailing !
Soon after high school my prince charming a.k.a Tommy showed up in my life and my fairy tale began. We fell in love and a few years later became man and wife. So in my mind , battle was won and here came happy every after. I still didn't realize what that meant . Life was great for a few years , We moved up in careers , bought our first home, and had our first baby. Happily ever after was pretty good so far! The problem is we don't see the second half of these princess' life . They ride off into the sunset and live in what we can only imagine as a life of eternal bliss. We don't see them struggling to pay bills, loss of jobs, and unexpected diagnosis'. We aren't prepared for "real life" or at least I wasn't . I have come to learn that my biggest fear of finding the right husband would be the least of all life's challenges. That part came quite easy its the rest of life that has been hard. I just want to see the future , to know it all ends up alright. I want the good seasons of life to stay until my day on this earth is done. Are you picking up that I don't like change ! We need to prepare ourselves and our children for the different seasons of life, that there will be ups and downs , good times and bad , sickness and health, richer and poorer. This is why these are marriage vows because life is messy and hard and God will be with us through all of these times and if we are lucky so will our Prince charming! We didn't see autism coming and in hind sight I am glad we didn't , we weren't ready for it. We needed it in small doses. Had I known I would have a child on the spectrum , would I have wanted a baby at all ? Maybe that is why it took us a while to get pregnant so that I would appreciate that I was lucky to have a baby at all, and had I known immediately the struggles he would go through at his birth I would have missed out on so much bonding time with my newborn because I would have been worrying about what all this would mean for him. God's plans are better than mine and I am lucky my prince reminds me of this when I forget or don't want to see it . I love you Tommy! I am so glad we are going this road together!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Can I get an Amen with a nonverbal child ? You betcha !

Your life will Change

Ethan doesn't have much to say most of the time . Well actually all the the time . Ethan is nonverbal. He has said maybe 5 audible words in his whole life. The times he did speak it was so clear as day and it was this magical moment that in a perfect world we would have our cameras ready to record these precious moments. But they come out of nowhere and are gone before we can even fully comprehend the moment . We talk a lot to Ethan and around Ethan but aren't quite sure what he understands and what he doesn't. I have often thought and prayed on "If Ethan can't talk and his receptive language is so poor , How is he to learn about God ?" After long contemplation on the subject this is what I have come up with .  There are a lot of things in this world that he can't do , in fact the list of his can'ts are far longer than his list of cans. But Ethan is a special guy. There are a lot of things Ethan can do that even I can't . For instance, Ethan has the ability to not care what people think, he loves everyone despite their faults , he has amazing ability to forgive an forget , all these things I struggle with daily and he does it effortlessly. From my observations of Ethan his ability to communicate doesn't stop him from having a relationship with God either. Ethan's favorite songs are "God is watching over you" , "No greater gift than God's great love" , "Oh how your life will change" Vast Voyage" "God is wild about us" and many more from bible schools . He can listen to them over and over and over and..... over again. He likes to play them loud and proud , he doesn't worry about offending anyone . I think sometimes God uses this about Ethan to help spread his word, cause Ethan has played these songs  on trains , in cars, at school, at the grocery stores, doctors offices basically everywhere. He plays them with such joy that he can't contain himself, he is jumping and dancing  and most of all laughing . There is no greater sound than that of Ethan laughing . A new joy that Ethan has put in my life is bedtime .... for more reason than one :), but a boy who doesn't like to read books or listen to books in normal settings will lay in his bed while I read to his younger sister before bed, he may not be engaged in the book but he is laying nicely in bed and is hearing the words read over him, the last few nights I looked out of the corner of my eye and caught him just staring at me , taking in everything I said and he reached out and requested (in his own way) for me to rub his arms and legs while I read. Every night , I sing " May the lord bless and keep you , may his face shine upon you and be gracious and give you peace" which is the verse we read over him at his baby dedication . When I start singing it he gets so giggly and give so much eye contact . If I stop mid song he will vocalize to keep going . Following this song we say prayers that usually read something like this:
         " Dear Jesus , thank you for today , thank you for all your many blessing , please help Ethan and Hailey to sleep well so they can grow big and strong and smart , help Ethan to talk soon and go pee pee and poo poo on the toilet and help him to be a good big brother to Hailey, help them to have sweet dreams.In your name we pray ....

Ethan loves the routine of this , he even religiously says this "yeah , yeah" after each part almost like an Amen! It has become my favorite part of the day !   I can see that Ethan has his own special relationship with God . I may not get to discuss the deep intricacy of the bible with Ethan but it's the "having faith like a child" part that Ethan has down pat  and can teach me about . I can only do my best to set a good example and point my kids to God , the rest is their own special relationship.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Getting stuck in Doubt

What do we do when God doesn't show up like we want. What happens when we pray and pray for something only to feel that our prayers have fell on deaf ears? I can say that doubt was never an issue for me until Autism showed up in our family. I can say , I had faith like a child . What happens when life gets ugly and we get thrown the hard questions ? Where is God in Autism? Hard questions give birth to doubt, cause when we doubt we give ourselves an answer to questions that we may not otherwise get . It may not be an answer we like but at least it is an answer.  Doubt comes when whats "right now " doesn't feel right ! Doubt comes when our time tables don't line up with God's .  In John 20:19-29 , After Jesus had died on the cross , the disciples were scared and confused and in hiding. In their hour of need Jesus shows up and says "Peace be with you ". The disciples were overjoyed and ran to find their friend Thomas to tell him the good news that Jesus was alive, yet Thomas was in a dark place and didn't believe. As a mom with a child with autism ,Autism can be a hard place, I can find it easier to stay home with curtains closed  away from the world of judgmental stares and comments, but just like the disciples , God has work for us to do in this world and hiding from the world is not the answer. He says "Peace be with you , As the father has sent me , I am sending you ."  Thomas was just like you and me , He had heard the word and seen the great works of the lord but his present circumstances were holding him in doubt. It is easy to want to give up , however when you wake up the next morning, I assure you, your problems are still going to be there to face you except you won't have Jesus to help you through. It is okay to have doubt , as long as you don't get stuck. Allow yourself to be open and honest  about your doubt . Share your fears with your family. Some may feel if you vocalize that doubt out loud that God will strike you down . He won't ! When you talk about your feelings and share your concerns it allows people to come along side of you and speak Gods truth into your life , as you may be in such a dark place that you can't see it for yourself . When you get stuck in doubt you start to cut out the people who can help you the most. I know I have . When I get down and lose faith , I find it hard to go to groups, or church as I am just to down to hear God's truth when in reality that is what I need the most. You want to surround yourself with people who will tell you what you want to hear not what you need to hear. When you get stuck don't isolate yourselves , cling to the people who can help bring you out of it and point you to God. Thomas was not only hiding , from the Jewish leaders , he isolated himself from his fellow believers . Thomas was not their the day Jesus first showed himself to the disciples, and even in his doubt he persisted toward God and rejoined his friends and God came to them again and reveled himself to Thomas.  Thomas had to see to believe. Jesus says “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” The problem with Autism is that the "right now" in our lives may be ongoing for the rest of our earthly lives, we may never have the answers we seek. We may not know why our child who was developing normally until 18 months stopped , We may not hear our child say " I love you ", We may not know "Why me".  Our right now may be longer than others . Don't get stuck in the right now , their are seasons of life some harder than others, we may not see them coming , like a diagnosis of Autism. When we reach past our doubt , we can get to work on what God has in store for us . "For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (nlt) I can assure you God has a plan for you and your child , don't take your eyes off him! And we know God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." Romans 8:28 (nlt) If you feel like you are always chasing a cure , stop running and face the darkness , God is right there with you he wants to show you something special , something you may have missed."The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed." Psalm 34:18 (nlt) Be reminded of his faithfulness in the past and remember he always shows up in your hour of need! 

*This was written from my notes on the sermon of Thomas by Steve Garcia.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Holistic Moms

I am a small town girl. I love watching “The Walking Dead “ and “Glee” , scrapbooking, playing volleyball ,cooking , playing silly things with my daughter, going on walks with my dad, singing in the car, shopping, and going on Date nights with my husband.  I am about as normal as someone can get right? (I am sure that is up for some debate) I hold and embrace many titles:  Daughter, Mrs. Haggerty, MOM.  As a special needs mother I have come to gain a few more important titles such as  , advocate, therapist, taxi driver, insurance coordinator, scheduler, personal assistant, nurse, cook , nutritionist.  Recently I have gained a new tittle that I wasn’t so proud of …….. Holistic mom.
Holistic mom! Come on! Holistic moms are …… WEIRD! We have had many different opportunities to meet other parents of children with autism and my husband and I concluded that autistic parents are weird and to be avoided at all costs. Most of them fell under the “holistic treatment “umbrella.  So being called a holistic mom was not a compliment or a title I wanted.  I’m not like those other autistic parents. Be careful about holistic nature because it will sneak up on you and before you know it you too will be labeled the dreaded “Holistic Mom”. Except this time like me ……. You will learn to LOVE it.
I sometimes think looking back I wish I had all the knowledge I have now when Ethan was first diagnosed with autism.  I thought I wish I had a mom who had been down that road guiding me to make better choices right off the bat. However after giving it much thought, if I today was talking to me 5 years ago, I am pretty sure the past Jenny would have ran into oncoming traffic on purpose.  It would have been way too much information to process, information that I wasn’t ready to hear. We are all on our own journey.  We don’t get to the finish line by jumping over the obstacle course. Those things are truly put in our way to help us grow.  God allowed me to know what I needed to know when I needed to know it.  It may have seemed like a lot at the time but had he indulged everything I know now back then I wouldn’t have been able to handle it. When we were exploring this word Autism and what it meant and what it would mean for Ethan, such names as Jenny McCarthy were popping up and not in a good way. I am ashamed to say that back then I thought she was crazy for thinking metal fillings in the mother may play a part in the onset of autism. We were still relying on doctors to tell us what we needed. We thought they knew what they were doing.  Over the years we have been let down greatly by modern medicine.  Our first detour off the modern medicine train came from another mom giving us Jenny McCarthy’s book Louder than words. I will say, I didn’t want to read it. My husband read it and suggested I do the same. I told him “Jenny McCarthy is weird; her son is not like our son”. But Tommy insisted I read it and I am so glad I did. When reading her book, I got to listen to her defend her reasons for saying the things she did.  It was no longer the media silencing her and making her out to be this crazy person. What she said really made sense.  So at age 3 we put Ethan on a Gluten free Casein free diet. Our friend did a lot of GFCF cooking research and came over and spent the whole day cooking and stocking our freezer of food that Ethan could eat. I remember the first time we bought rice milk and watching him drink it thinking “okay he is going to start talking now “. Sadly that is not how it happened. Ethan to this day is still nonverbal at age 6 but the diet did help in subtle ways like less eczema, more concentration and more eye contact.  After reading that book we went on to her next book, which led to internet research like no ones business. We started trying all the supplements that all the other parents tried and eventually made an appointment with a MAPS doctor.  Our pediatrician was no longer able to help us as every answer to our questions was “he’s autistic, it’s part of the deal”.  Our MAPS doctor knew all about autism, all about Ethan’s symptoms before we did. The red cheeks and ears, the bumps behind his arms, his posture, his pain tolerance, his inability to distinguish between hot and cold.  So if you have a child with a disease that no one knows the cause or the cure who are you going to trust? The pediatrician who has no answers and no hope or the doctor who knows all about your son and wants to look outside the textbook box for answers? I had asked a lot of questions when Ethan was born about vaccine safety to his Pediatrician but did no research of my own. As parents who don’t vaccinate their children were usually homeschool freaks so the pediatricians wouldn’t steer me wrong, I mean they are doctors right? I lost all faith when Ethan was accidently given an extra shot at his 9 month well check that he was not due for. So much for the safety of the vaccines. So for years I would always said “I don’t know what causes autism, but I will always wonder if that shot had anything to do with it “I thought that would give my conjecture but also put it as if not set in stone so no one could argue with me for my own beliefs that I wasn’t pushing on anyone. I no longer feel the need to silence what I feel caused Ethan’s autism. I have done some research on it and my belief is that some children are genetically predisposed to having autism and get pushed over the edge with the environmental toxins that this society has made, such as too many vaccines, the pesticides we eat, the mercury in our mouths … so on and so forth.  In ten year’s time autism went from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 88 and 1 in 50 for school age kids.  We have done this to our society and  to our community.  

Ethan suffers greatly for several years now with GI issues despite the gluten free casein free diet. I thought to myself this isn’t working, we aren’t going to do this anymore and within a week off the diet we can see his body revolt against him. So why wasn’t it helping the GI issues? We did some allergy testing and found out Ethan has a potato allergy. I thought at first, “great no French fries”, only to find out there was a lot more to it than that. Like every gluten free product and four we were using contained potato starch. Well no wonder it wasn’t helping his GI issues! After we removed potato from his diet as well as the gluten, casein and soy low and behold Ethan (the pickiest eater on the planet) was willing to eat vegetables, rice, beans, and noodles. He has such a healthy diet now. I had heard this from other parents that when their diet gets in check they won’t crave the carbs so much and eat healthier ( another crazy thing holistic moms said), I mean they didn’t know my stubborn son there is no way he will ever eat (  fill in the blank). But he did!  We have started buying more organic, and altered our children’s vaccine schedule.  I make a lot of my own cleaning products, I don’t buy food from the box and if I had a yard I would have my own garden. At a recent first appointment with a GI doctor I was ridiculed and made to feel like a holistic weirdo because we take supplements, do GFCF and saw a MAPS doctor. I left crying and upset.  This doctor was a real piece of work! How dare he assume I am a crazy holistic mom just because I do ……. Wait a minute is that a bad thing after all?  My kids eat food not genetically modified and covered in pesticides, they aren’t filled with live virus’ that kill their stomach bacteria, and we aren’t exposing our kids to more toxins than necessary.  So yes, drum roll please…………. I AM a crazy holistic mom! And darn proud of it. I will no longer take anyone’s word as GOD.  I will listen and do my research and find out for myself! I will not take no for an answer and I will not let someone tell me what’s best for my child.  Don’t be afraid to go against the grain… Literally! J  So holistic yes, crazy not at all. We don’t rub crystals on our kids, or chant over them, or take them across the world to see horse Indians. Which is all fine if that is what works for your child. But in our own way who am I to criticize those parents , I put Epsom salts in Ethan’s bath ( crystals) , I pray over him  ( chants) and I drive him across the state to see the best doctors I can find.  So new frame of thinking, hey whatever works for you! You can be weird, you can be holistic but you are not weird because you’re holistic. Embrace it!

Monday, April 8, 2013


"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because , having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the lord has promised to those who love him." James 1:12 

Oh , God's Great mercies! When James wrote this , I can't imagine that he ever thought of our Family and the trials of Autism! 

Autism itself is so HARD! I want to very clearly point out that I do not and have not ever felt that it is a burden. I do struggle with knowing its cause , it's reason, it's purpose . How can you fight an enemy you know nothing about ? It's like being attacked in the night and you didn't see or hear it coming , you don't know the damage it has provoked or how to stop it or prevent it from happening again! 
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters , whenever you face trials of many kinds  because you know that testing of your faith produces perseverance  Let perseverance finish it's works so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking of anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you . But when you ask , you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind .  That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord." James 1:2-7 This world may not have the answers I need regarding Autism but the God who created the heavens and the Earth does and he says specifically that he will give you the wisdom you want , you need only ask!

With this kind of monster it can be hard to fight and easy to give up . You may be tempted to feel angry and bitter . You may feel that God is tempting and testing you.  Rest assured this is not the case. For the Bible says" When tempted , no one should say , "God is tempting me. " For God cannot be tempted by evil , nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then , after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full grown, gives birth to death. James 1:13-15 This being said , You should not point blame, look internally first ! We are more to blame than we want to believe. Don't let yourself be a victim! I'm talking to myself most of all here ! For the last month or so  I have had  this overwhelming sense of peace  and  really pure joy on our lives circumstances . I was able to see that the journey God has taken us down , the good and the bad have really brought us to this beautiful family we have. I was accepting of Ethan and who he is and had no expectations but hope for a better future for him . But a simple mistake of taking a bath with an iPod made that all melt away in a second . I immediately let my monster out ! All those feelings of Joy and contentment were gone and anger and bitterness filled me . I let myself become the victim again. Why is God doing this to me ?  Such as in the bible it says desire (aka my desire to have a typical child (whatever that means) gives birth to sin and when it is full grown gives birth to death. So when my desires don't pan out , I sin ( become bitter and angry) which then turns to death ( death of Hope) Hope that God has a plan for this . Death of hope can start you down a road of depression that can be hard to bounce back from . James 1:19-21 says Everyone should be quick to listen , slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore  get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the work planted in you which can save you ! I can feel God working in me to achieve this , as trust me I have headed down dark paths that I couldn't even see God I could barely hear his whisper to guide me back , it would take days to weeks to put myself back together and be the Mom God chose me to be ! This time I believe God allowed me to see that monster in me to remind me not to ignore him cause if I do he will ambush me when I'm not looking . A day of self pity and tears on my dad's shoulder AKA the phone helped me remember that this path is a dead end ! Nothing is accomplished on this road except death . James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this : to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being Polluted By the World!   The world has painted a picture of Autism as an undesirable and there are many aspects of Autism that I can do without but Ethan is not one of them . He is beautiful.

I will leave you with these words of encouragement. And the God of all grace , who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while , will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever  and ever . Amen. 1 Peter 5:10-11

Please visit Ethan's page to support him and his class at the Denver Walk Now for Autism Speaks! at :

Saturday, April 6, 2013

It's that time again....... Haircutting !

Today was haircut day for the family. Haircuts have morphed over the years, however I will say that we have always cut Ethan's hair on our own. I feel we know him best and can understand and anticipate his needs more efficiently. Haircuts used to be torture, and at times we would all leave sweaty and tear covered but I have always felt that Haircuts are a part of life , you will need one several times a year for the rest of your life so Ethan you better get used to it. I would say the iPhone has been our saving grace for Ethan's last few haircuts. It is the number one desirable for Ethan and he seems to do well getting his hair cut when he uses it . So I would say for us buying a $30 pair of buzzers and doing it ourselves works best , since no one is around to watch should he tantrum, they pay for themselves in one cut and you can make it as comfortable as possible, its really easy and you can learn how each time what they tolerate and what they won't . We went from having me and my husband double teaming him with movies and fruit snacks to only me and an iPod. I learned that he doesn't like to be spray'd with water so today i wetted my hands and then rubbed his head wet , He also doesn't like the buzzer around his ears so I will usually use the scissors but he is becoming more tolerant . Like I said you learn and each time gets easier and cheaper ;)! However if you want to take them to a place to get their hair cut I took Hailey for her first haircut at Pigtails and Crewcuts . They have a special needs experience and this place would be my second choice! Here is their link:http://www.pigtailsandcrewcuts.com/westminster/special-2/

Friday, April 5, 2013

So on a very personal note......

I have been really emotional today , it all started last night when Ethan decided it was a good idea to get in the bath tub with his clothes on and ...... take his iPod with him. Makes sense right ? I mean Ethan thinks " I love water and I love my phone having them both would be awesome". At the time I thought my iPod was toast and was upset at the prospect of spending another couple hundred dollars for a new one. Come to find out this morning after drying out and resetting it , it works good as new. So why am I still sad ?Because yeah I didn't want to spend $ on another but the root sadness is that I am frustrated that my six year old thinks its a good idea to do this , that its still okay to poop/ pee his pants, that its okay to wander off from your mom at Kohls. I am upset that he makes bad choices and if it were Hailey I could punish her and get the point across. So today i have been having a huge pitty party and the best part of my day started at the lunch table... I made the kids their lunch and I sat down to well cry some more and Hailey says " Mom, why are you crying "
Me: "I'm sad".
Hailey: "Why"
Me: Because Ethan can't talk
Hailey : Don't cry , Ethan will talk soon.
Me: You think so ?
Hailey : Yeah , you just have to be patient ..... He's eating

LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love that girl ! She knows how to cheer me up . Such a great big sister.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Adventures in Autism

Hey Everyone,
I have started a new Facebook page to complement this blog called Adventures in Autism. While this blog has been somewhat of a diary the Facebook page is more of a resource center of ideas on how to make everyday autism life easier . Please join me and help spread the word  ! Here are some of my latest posts if you want a taste of what it is all about !

A GFCF ( Gluten Free / Casein Free) diet is the benchmark for "healing / curing" your child with autism using the DAN/ MAPS protocol. These cookies are available in your local vitamin cottage or health food store as well as ..... wait for it ..... Costco in bulk and cheaper. They are so tasty your kids will love them . They look so good my husband thought they were the regular cookies I normally bake. I give them a thumbs up :)!

For all those who want a environmentally friendly and cost effective way to diaper your child who may be too old for pull ups , I found antsy pants. They are a cloth pull up with but up sides for easy clean up and they make them in bigger sizes for bigger kids. It is $377 for 14 pull ups and they take payment plans . I feel like Ethan does better staying dry in cloth but it was always a pain to clean up #2's without tear away sides . We have ordered ours and can give a full review once they get here. Larger sizes are a custom order and can take up to 3 weeks to make . Let me know your thoughts. Also for those who don't want to use cloth Medicaid will cover pull ups for children who are over 4 and are not potty trained. Contact Rocky Mountain Homecare to order.

I bought this product from Kohls for $19.99. It makes 5 waffle sticks in minutes. We make our own GFCFSF (Gluten,Caesin, and Soy Free) using Better Batter. You can make a ton all at once and freeze them for easy heat up all week. We also put Flax seed in the waffles to get a serving of fiber and Omega's or you could do cinnamon , or fresh fruit whatever you or your child likes. I like that they are hand held and the kids can dip them in syrup for less mess. I hope you like them!

So on my last post I talked of Better Batter with the waffle stick maker. Well here it is ! I have made waffles and pizza pockets so far with it . I will say it is not the miracle cure for glutenous dough but not sure there is one . I do like that it matches cup for cup with regular flour for any recipe. Their website provides hundreds of recipes that you can use with this product and best part of all....... If you send them your child's autism diagnosis you can get the product at a discounted rate! They have cake mixes, brownie mixes, seasoned flour , all purpose flour and pancake mix. It would be a great thing to buy and put in the cabinet even if you don't have a gluten free kid, in case one comes over or you want to send them to school when you send your child's birthday goodies or holiday goodies or to church potlucks so no one gets left out ! You would make that child's mom's day for sure ! I am enjoying it and will continue to buy it ! It is made by a mom of a child on the spectrum and I love to be able to support that! You can check it out at betterbatter.org

Monday, February 11, 2013

Not your Average Ethan

           We belong to a rather large church and being the introvert I am, I love that every Sunday I can walk in and walk out rather unnoticed . Well besides the  meet and greet and dropping off the kids both of which both are mandatory and a necessary.  Everyone who comes to church on any given Sunday has a story to tell. Most Sundays for me go something like this . I get up in plenty of time to get the house fed and ready to go on time but procrastinate up until the final seconds so as to have the thrill (ha) of rushing out the door to be on time. Tommy and I tag team the kids to get them potty'd and checked into their Sunday School classes. At that point of kissing their faces and waving goodbye , I can feel a sudden relief of now I can relax . Next , I go to the bathroom and Tommy gets a drink, sometimes I peruse the bible book store and we go and settle in our seats which by my calculations is always two rows up from the last couple in our specific section and at that point we are ready to go. Usually each Sunday I have a heavy heart before I even sit down in that coveted perfect seat. Thoughts of " Why do I always stress about getting to this seat on time? Is Ethan going to stay clean and dry in class? How much money do we have this week to spare (usually isn't alot which brings stress).Then my mind goes back to Money , Ethan, Money, Ethan, Money , Ethan until Jeff our worship leader beckons us to "Rise and sing" and I can drowned out these thoughts with the loud upbeat music for the next 20 minutes.  I always cry during communion and usually during the last song of the day and then Pastor Phil comes out. Tears fade away to laughter as his opening lines are always comical , followed by deep lessons of self evaluation and drives it on home with a question usually on personal reflection that brings back the tears. After the service comes the dreaded walk of shame. Like how many tears can I wipe before I get to the doors and the ushers see me crying , not very many. Then as we exit , Tommy will turn to me , see that I have been crying and ask the "what did you think ?" when all I really want to do is  forget so that I can turn off the tears before I have to face the nice Sunday school ladies to pick up the kids. All that being said, that was a typical Sunday for me . I was a little blindsided this week. I should have saw it coming , everything was different yesterday. We left early for church with no stress , had a little extra money in our pocket so the cost of Tommy's drink and the thought of going out to eat after church was no stress and with Ethan's new school going so well I had no heavy heart this week regarding him , since we were early no one was sitting in our section at all so I had the pick of the litter for my seat. All in all this morning was quite nice. Feeling really peaceful this week about my life and how things are going , I sang praise to the lord and took communion without crying , as always loved the message , and almost made it the entire service until as always Pastor drives the word home and I lose it.
           The series we are reading is "Not your average Joe" the story and study of Joseph and his coat of many colors. I have heard and loved this story so many times since childhood that I couldn't possibly get anything new out of it. WRONG! Joseph's story is your story. This boy had so many ups and downs in his life. Started out that he was the proclaimed favorite son of his 12 brothers. Although sinful , tell me who doesn't love being the favorite? I myself am an only child so like a bye in a sports event I was awarded that title myself . It is a pretty nice place to be. However soon his brothers hated him so much that they threw him in the bottom of a pit. Pretty low spot there and within a few hours was sold into slavery and sent to a far away land. The lord gives and the lord takes away. The question presented in the message yesterday was "What would a person do in exactly your circumstances if they were absolutely confident beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was with them?". I often forget that in the bible these are not stories, they are actual events in which once you can see the whole story you wonder why they chose to do things the way they did as God always comes through for them. But like me , the people in the bible are only human too , they didn't get to see the big picture in their lives as it unraveled. I sometimes think If I could only read the final chapter in my own story ,you know sneak a peak and pass over all the middle stuff cause everyone knows the middle stuff is the hairy and icky stuff , and see that everything turns out fine then I could continue on without worry as I know it will all work out . Faith is not seeing and believing , its believing period. Asking yourself in your darkest moments " Do you trust him?"  Ouch hard question.
        Now I said that Joseph's story is everyone's story. Did I get thrown in a pit and sold to slavery? No. Life has a funny way of taking you down paths you never expected. "Standing on a road I didn't plan, wondering how I got to where I am?" (Plumb: Need you Now) I struggle so many times with Autism as it is so different than making a bunch of bad choices that leads to your own suffering , it is different than a disease that you know the cause of and can understand how it happened. Autism is a path no one chose, no one knows how it starts or how to fix it . There are so many questions about it that for the time being are left unanswered. So the statement "wonder how I got to where I am ?" Only leads me to GOD and Why? I don't know how I got to where I am ?I was a young girl who married the man of her dreams and desired to have a family . How can something so beautiful put me on this path?  In a rather gross analogy, Pastor asked what Joseph may be thinking while chained to a camel walking behind what he ate a few hours earlier. Now that I can relate to . Ethan is my camel that I am chained to , I can't get away and I am constantly looking at what he ate a few hours earlier..... Kinda funny but not really. "What would a person do in exactly your circumstances if they were absolutely confident beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was with them?". How would that person raise Ethan ? Can they turn off their brain at night and sleep knowing "God's got this "? Would they worry about what school he goes to , what medicine he should take , what doctor can help him ? Where the money is going to come from to pay for any of this ? Do I trust him ? Do I trust he is the one true God and sent his son to die on a cross for mine and all mankind's sins? Answer to that is easy . Do I feel like I am walking down the Autism road alone without God . Yeah sometimes.  Do I trust that no matter how dark or scary this path that I am on God will always be there ? Hard questions. One that as a young child in Sunday school would yell out "YES".  One I would love to yell out yes to but not sure I believe it when it comes to Ethan. Especially since Autism is such a mystery. One thing I will say I have not yet learned but want to is that Faith is a daily choice. Even though our lives may come with ups and downs and some Sunday's its easy to sing praise and trust , some Sunday's its not and life is ugly and I can be scared and mad and upset  but I can still chose to trust . What is your story?  Do you trust him? 

A lot of this blog's ideas were taken from Phil Vaughn at Southeast Christian Church in Parker Colorado on the series Not your Average Joe. If you would like to listen to the sermon please visit them online at www.sechristian.org

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Who is the real Ethan Haggerty?

There is a picture at the top of our stairs of  Ethan at age 1. It is my absolute favorite. This picture can on some days bring a smile to my face or on a bad day bring so much pain. To me this picture of Ethan is what I call the "REAL" Ethan. The Ethan before Autism. 
Far from the tree: Parenting a child different from you was the title of a recent Katie Couric episode  in which Katie interviewed a mother of a child with Autism. I watched wondering how the mother could so eloquently tell the story of her son without even a tear and how Katie could sit there and so coldly ask the most ridiculous questions? Such as "How did you feel when you heard the diagnosis?" I half expected the mom to ask back " How do you think I felt ?".
All the books tell you that you need to take a period of time to grieve. To grieve the loss in  a sense not of your child, as they are still with you, but the loss of the hopes and dreams you may have had for them . Like the mother on that show stated the moment is a frozen moment in time. Like you will always know where and what you were doing when you heard the news of 911, Parents will know where and what they were doing when they heard the word Autism . I myself do not remember most of his appointment when we got the official diagnosis that went on paper that should be laminated as it has gone with us to every evaluation , school, fundraiser etc. I remember the phone call I received from his pediatrician after his 18 mo well check. I had to work that day so Tommy took Ethan in for that appointment and when I got home I asked how it went and Tommy told me that the doctor said he would call me later that he needed to talk to me. Didn't seem like a good sign , I mean Ethan is the most adorable kid maybe he was calling to tell me that a local modeling agent contacted the doc to find extremely cute kids for a commercial .  No such luck. I was driving in the car with Ethan in the back seat when I got the call. The doctor said that although he couldn't give an official diagnosis , he felt that Ethan had a lot of red flags for autism and that he would be sending him for further testing and referring him for Speech and Occupational therapy. I had already had several of my own concerns on the matter but had hoped that they were unfounded and that the things we were seeing in Ethan he would grow out of, but to have a licensed doctor tell me "red flags for autism" I could no longer deny it or so I thought. I broke out in tears which is nothing new for me as I'm pretty sure that no one cries as much as I do , but I looked at Ethan in that moment in the rear view mirror and my vision of watching Ethan play basketball, playing guitar, me getting him flowers to give to his first date, going to college and getting married all seemed to slip away. What did this mean for Ethan ? So began my 5 stages of Loss and  Grief.

Many people do not experience the stages in the order listed below, which is okay. The key to understanding the stages is not to feel like you must go through every one of them, in precise order. Instead, it’s more helpful to look at them as guides in the grieving process — it helps you understand and put into context where you are.

1. Denial
  • If only we had sought medical attention sooner…
  • If only we got a second opinion from another doctor…
  • If only I was a better person…
Secretly, we may make a deal with God or our higher power in an attempt to postpone the inevitable. This is a weaker line of defense to protect us from the painful reality.


Well if you ask me Julie Axelrod  my list goes something like 1. Denial 2. Bargaining and now I flip flop between Anger, Depression and Acceptance.

For a year of two after the diagnosis I still had some denial as I still had hope that he would talk as my mom said that she didn't talk until she was 3, but when his 3rd birthday came and went without any words I had to go through the whole loss process again. I bargained for a while and will still but rarely visit the bargaining chip tool. "If only that nurse hadn't given him the wrong shots at 9 months or If only I hadn't vaccinated him at all". Going down that road is a waste of time , lots of people play the what if game but until Doc Brown masters the time machine it can band aid the wounds but never heal them. My red get it done personality forced my acceptance as Ethan had to have the official diagnosis to get the treatment that would help him. So I accepted that my son had autism.  But does that mean I accept him just as he is ? I like to think so but if that were true then why do I still bounce between the last two stages of Anger and depression? How can I truly accept it when I feel like my little boy was stolen from me that in a way I don't TRULY know my son at all .  When I play my what if game I try to ENVISION what it would be like if Ethan DIDN'T  have Autism. Instead of listening the his I pod in the empty bath tub right now he would be in a regular kindergarten class, asking to ride his bike after school and play video games. He would have been waking us up on Christmas day to go open his presents .  He wouldn't have gluten free birthday cakes.Ethan is very tall for his age so even though he is six he looks much older than he is . So comments from strangers in the store of "What football team you got him playing on ?" although well intended can ELICIT a whole new wave of Sadness.  I don't know where the real Ethan and Ethan with Autism meet . I told Tommy yesterday that this is not what God could have possibly had in mind for Ethan we have to be able to fix this ! In his INFINITE wisdom Tommy replies" Do you think Ethan is unhappy?"  The answer to that is simple .... No ! Ethan is very happy , If I gave Ethan his I pod  all day long I would hear nothing but giggles and pure joy pour out of him all day long. It's when I put him through hours of therapy to form him into what I and society think is "normal " is when he fights and throws a fit. So is the acceptance stage getting me stuck from moving past depression and anger?  I realize I am not working to heal Ethan for Ethan I'm doing it for me . I DON'T  want to be changing poop diapers for the rest of my life, I don't want people to stare at me at the grocery store, I don't want to lose my 6 year old in church, I don't want to have to work  $500 a month into my budget for therapy. I want to watch as he learns to read, I want him to memorize bible versus I want him to FIGHT with Hailey and I want him to be able to talk and tell me he loves me. Realizing this doesn't make it any easier to implement in real life because life with Autism is hard but its a starting point.  I in so many ways feel that God gave Ethan this condition to teach me a lesson as Ethan isn't SUFFERING from Autism, I am,  and until I "Get it " ie: patience , kindness, tolerance, humility and most of all learn to trust him he will continue to use Autism to teach me everyday. As God is the ultimate healer he knew Ethan before I did. He knows every hair on his head  every strand of DNA and every neuroreceptor and without a blink of an Eye can heal Ethan . So that being said , Who is the real Ethan Haggerty ? Let's see where Ethan meets Ethan with autism.

Ethan with Autism                                                Ethan Haggerty
Wanderer                                                              Explorer
Can't sit still                                                         Excited about Life, Lots of Energy
Can't Talk                                                               Abstract Thinker
Chews on Clothing                                              Love of Fashion? :)
Walks on toes                                                     Strong Calves 
Sensory Issues                                                    Loves Big Hugs 
Doesn't like new situations                               Is Happy just as he is 
Oblivious to the world around him                 Doesn't see how cruel this world
                                                                                 Can be 

Ethan also brings joy to those around him. His smile is infectious . He loves music and loves to share that with anyone who will sit and sing with him. He loves to swim, swing and jump. if there was  sport for endurance of jumping Ethan would win everytime. he loves snuggles . He doesn't have a malicious bone in his body.  I guess what I really want is for everyone to see ethan the way I do. best way to make that happen is for me to love him for who he is and watch it radiate!