Sunday, May 27, 2012

Unconditional / Conditional Love

Unconditional love, I understand fully how to accept it, but giving it is a completely different story .  I have been surrounded by it my whole life. No matter how grumpy , selfish, hateful , rude , or unloving I am; I am shown this unconditional love from: God , my parents , my husband and my kids. Growing up when life was simple and carefree and easy I thought being a christian was so easy. I mean it makes total sense right ? How can people not get it ?God is well God. He created the universe in 7 days he wants you to be good not bad , he has 10 simple rules and oh yeah Jesus died on the cross to save our sins. Got it! I mean why is that so hard for people to understand ? What I didn't know at this point was how life can be so much harder than my own little bubble I was raised in , and things aren't always black and white. In my world it was pretty squeaky clean . I didn't worry about money there was never a lot but all our needs were met, there was no hurt or disease no broken relationships between my parents . We had a nice quiet family full of love and happiness . I mean sure there were some rough times but like i said Jesus died for our sins , God is good  problem solved.  What I am trying to say is it is so easy to be a christian until life isn't so easy . What happens when you feel entitled to something? I put conditions on my love all the time because i feel entitled to certain things. When i don't get my basic needs or lets face it above and beyond my basic needs I find it hard to give unconditional love back. When my parents can't jump in and make everything okay like they used to do. When my husband can't fix our autism or our finances , or when my kids don't behave the way i expected them too , when God asks of me more than I was planning on giving. I start putting conditions on my love for them . How horrible is that ? Like lets say for instance if you do everything right or what you feel is right and life somehow turns out wrong.  Ethan's autism has completely changed my world . It determines every single decision that i make in a single day. From what time I get up in the morning , to what food has to be prepared and on what time schedule, where we live , how much money we make , what church service to attend, what restaurants we eat at to what shows we watch , what friends we can have ?etc, etc, etc....I know in my heart of hearts that Ethan is a powerful tool in God's toolbox. He has a master plan for this little boy .  In a way I am prideful in the fact that God wants to use our family in some special way but in a complete other I have so much anger inside of me . Have you ever asked God " How dare you ....."? A sermon was preached on it at my church not to long ago. I had plenty of answers how to fill in that blank . How dare you give me a special needs child ? How dare you ask me to be a good enough mom to him ? How dare you use my son in this manner for your will ? How dare you not provide all the resources I demand to provide for him? I have made a conditional love with the Lord . So now being christian isn't as straight forward easy to understand. I mean he died on the cross to save me from my sins yet if he doesn't play the game of life the way I want then the cross wasn't enough. That seems harsh but basically that what my attitude is saying. There are days when I can stand and sing where pride and joy are overflowing from my heart and i raise my hands to the sky ( no i don't cause dad would call me a solar collector) and there are days I want to sulk in the pew and point out all my battles with God or I don't  pray cause I'm angry and i don't feel like God is for me that he is against me. Thank goodness for that unconditional love he gives as even though I say these horrible things against him he still loves me . I know these things aren't true , they are just human emotions crowding my truth that . God is indeed good, and all powerful .  He weeps at the pain I am in , he holds out his hand to me even when I am not willing to take it. God is God and I am not and I will trust that everything that comes to pass is in his hands and his promises remain true even when life seems broken. I need to find a way to remove these feelings of anger so that I can love God and love others the way they have loved me . To be a servant to my family as God came to serve us on this earth not be served. Because when I look into Ethan's face , even though he can't say a word I can see the love and innocence and the beauty inside him . Truth be told, Ethan and Hailey are not my MINE, they are on loan to me for a short amount of time . They are God's children that he has placed for me to care while they follow God's path. God dare me to be the mom my kids think I am.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Welcome to Holland


Emily Perl Kingsley.
c1987 by Emily Perl Kingsley. All rights reserved
I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability - to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this......
When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.
After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland."
"Holland?!?" you say. "What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy."
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around.... and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills....and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.
But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy... and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."
And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away... because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
But... if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things ... about Holland.

Have you ever in your life been forced against your will to attend a continuing education class? You know the ones where you go and keep looking at your clock thinking "  I have so much more better things to be doing with my time than this ." The first time I heard this poem I was in said class. I was just out of high school and working at a day care center while attending dental school. As our daycare had a special needs child , we were forced to attend a special education class. I thought , "why do i have to take this class on my Friday night? " The kid isn't even  in my room and I don't plan on having any special needs kids. Here is where God's sense of humor came in as I myself am a mother to a very special little guy. This class wasn't boring to me , I remember to this day this poem and thought what a wonderful way to put it . Reading it now as a mother of a special needs kid I think of how amazingly accurate it is. I felt almost entitled to have have this perfectly amazingly "normal " child. I mean I'm a good girl , never got into any trouble as a kid , I mean execpt the one night of wine coolers which my parents still won't let me live it down. :) . I finished high school at the top of my class , chose a career , fell in love with a amazing man , got married , bought a house and now since I did all these things and in  societies perfect order I am ready to receive my prize. We tried for a baby for to me what seemed like a eternity . Everyone kept saying, "God is making the perfect baby for you ". I finally got pregnant and I read all the books , changed my diet , exercised , read all the books and it was finally my turn!  Ethan was special from the day he was born . This little monster came into this world a week late at 10.2lbs . He was a nursery celebrity. Everyone had to come see this humongous baby. To me and Tommy he was simply our little guy but it was hard to argue that he did look huge next to the 6 pounder next to us.  But he was gorgeous in every way . We would attract so much attention everywhere we went , waitresses would even uncomfortably oogle over him for ever , But i didn't care as he was mine! He met all of his milestones even if it was the last day it was considered in normal range . But something to me didn't seem right , he didn't make eye contact even as a baby , he would throw a full on meltdown if we would change the routine or go somewhere new.  He became a very particular child. But as we were new parents and had no other child to compare we thought "He'll grow out of it".  We took Ethan to his 18month well check and voiced our concerns that he wasn't yet talking even a little . They did a questionnaire on him and found out that he had a lot of red flags for autism.  When i heard the word Autism my heart melted as I remembered working with a girl who had a autistic son and seeing his behavior and at that point I took the doctors suggestion and left it at the door. Ethan's not autistic . How could this doctor tell anyway. Ethan is 18months old a little young if you ask me. Even though I saw all the signs and knew in my heart it was true I didn't want to believe it . I mean this kind of thing doesn't happen to me . I am not the right mom for this and no I don't want to . God made a perfect baby for me and I am not perfect for that role so no no no no and no , not happenning.  Once we accepted it and came to terms with it I decided to move to autism island. How if the statistics say that 1 in 88 kids will be diagnosed with autism  do I feel like the only mother on the planet with a child with autism.  I have worked really hard my whole life to fit in with the crowd and not stand out but another one of God's humors, Ethan stands out wherever we go. Its hard not to notice a 5 year old boy that looks like a 7 year old riding in a grocery cart making all kinds of interesting sounds while his 2 year old sister is walking the whole time next to the cart . Or how we can't just go to any restaraunt to eat , it has to have a GFCF menu or we have to bring a special meal for him, or if we go anywhere new we have to have backyardigans available to watch so he can retreat on his own.  Autism Island is a place for all of the autistic children to go where its okay to be loud , and has all pefect menu's at all the restaraunts and is full of trampoline's and pools and swings and all sensory things. Where all the parents can sympothize with you as they too go through it and can give you actual advice on potty training, food, temper tantrums because they know what works for these kids. Yes this is where i want to live . I am not all about inclusion , I saw what some of the so called cool kids from my highs chool did to a special needs kid and as difficult as it is to say I laughed about it. Now putting my own self into that mom's shoes and how she must have felt my heart breaks. So I am happy to live in Holland its all the Italian visitors who can make it tough. Cause for me its okay if Ethan doesn't make eye contact as Grandpa wouldn't have it any other way and its okay if he  wants to dance on stage at church to praise God, and its okay if he doesn't get potty trained til he's six not three and its okay if he gets loud when he's excited because I will take whatever smile I can get out of him and cherish it forever.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

All about Ethan!

Okay am I crazy ? because that is what I am thinking right now. As it is now 10:32 p.m and I am starting a blog for Ethan . First of all  I am not completely sure i even know what a blog is ? Second,  I could talk and talk and talk about Ethan all day long why start this now ?  and Lastly : I like my sleep so the thought of starting this blog now seems a little ridiculous as I could easily see this taking some time . Now,  yes If i lay down now will my mind race as it comes up with the words for my first blog post ? Absolutely ! So I might as well get this out of my head and onto the screen as one way or the other 6 a.m will roll around all  too soon and a whole new day of life's  interesting paths will unfold.  After moments of thinking about it I have changed my mind, as literally a Summary of Ethan's background is too much for tonight . I will however say that this blog if for no other reason  than  to be my "journal" . I will not apologize for spelling or grammar as I was never good about that . It is a way for me to release my many feelings and tons of emotions about my son and his autism journey . So if you follow me great , if you hate it and wish I would stop that's fine too. But for now my body says "Jen , find your off switch!" So as impossible as that sounds I'm going to try to find it .  Til tomorrow.